

Kitchen Studio's services

Kitchen Studio’s services Living & More, for over 10 years, has gained customers’ trust when it comes to quality solutions for the kitchen
and living spaces. Through our 10 distinguished services we are considered to be
as one of the top “living & more” companies in the market and the only
local “One Stop Company”.


Product Range

We provide our customers with a wide product range in kitchen and home furniture. Through the years we have established exclusive partnerships and deals with Top Italian furniture manufacturers, which has enabled us to offer unique home solutions, characterized by high quality in materials and design.



Our ten year experience in interior design and decoration has helped us to develop professionally and to gain a methodical approach,
as we are able to respond to any customer requirements, in cooperation with our team that consists of specialized decorators and interior designers.


Partnerships & Relations

Our Company Activities include partnerships and synergies with construction companies, architecture firms that are capable to respond to any design requirements, plan review and implementation of a building project, even to more complex, high demanding and standard levels.

We are a “One Stop Company”. 

In Kitchen Studio Living & More, clients will receive a full array of services, organized, checked and verified by our partners, aiming for the best quality service, on-time service delivery and cost efficient implementation.


Feasibility Study

Through our long year experience we can provide you with information and consultation, in order to reform your home environment in a creative way on the inside as much as on the outside.
Kitchen Studio Living and More, by assessing the project needs and characteristics along with the client, assembles a specialized project team, committed to create and deliver consistently what has been agreed within a budget.

There are four Areas of Project Feasibility we have:
Technical Feasibility – Economic Feasibility- Operational Feasibility-Scheduling Feasibility
Conducting a feasibility study is always beneficial to the project as it gives you, a clear picture of your idea.



Our specialized personnel consists of creative professionals who carry many years of experience on kitchen and furniture design. Interior Design is developed in a harmonious relationship between selected furniture and space specifications, always with the use of modern means, in the best quality standards.


Personal Approach

Every project has a unique character. As the innovative conception and creativity of our specialized team contribute in order to offer our customers with tailored solutions based in functionality and aesthetics.


Delivery & Installation Service

Our trustworthy and experienced personnel undertake the responsibility to transfer, assemble and place the furniture products in your place.

Based on customer needs and always in consistency, we assure that the kitchen and furniture installation is done with safety.


Customer Guidance / Updating

During the period of carried operation, there is a constant updating from our qualified personnel regarding the progress and development of the home reforming, from the time of installation until the completion of the project.
Our team is always ready and available to cover any query, regardless the customer location.


Project Supervision

During reforming operations, there is a constant control and monitoring under our company’s supervision, with purpose to avoid any mistake and delay, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the project, based on the agreed conditions and scheduling.


Kitchen Studio’s services After Sales

We make sure that we are next to our customers even after the project has been completed. In context of an open communication, we provide customer service and information regarding the reformed residence, in order to develop a relationship of trust and safety with our customers. Our qualified personnel, is always available in matter of control and conservation of our services and products.

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